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United We Blog

Calling all writers to contribute a written essay/opinion piece to the Northville Dems blog. We invite everyone to speak from their hearts, and tell all of us what you are voting for.

To help you get started:

  • Start by thinking about a "slogan" that fits into this formula: Vote (insert any aspiration). For example, Vote Integrity. Vote Equality. Vote Honesty. Vote Justice.

  • Write from your heart! What are you voting for? What are you passionate about? It can be anything!

  • We will help with the editing – NDC Board Member Jerry Oljace is an excellent editor!

  • We will create a vote meme with your slogan – similar to our blue Value lawn signs from the 2018 midterm elections.

We will publish your piece in the Northville Dems blog on our website, as well as on Facebook and Twitter.

Here is an excellent example – Lisa DiRado's essay, "democracy is a Liberal Value" (

We will talk about this further, and answer any of your questions, at our Zoom Membership meeting on Monday.

Let’s take this opportunity to tell our story – a story about our values and our aspirations! Please send your essays to us at:

NDC Membership Meeting: Monday, July 27, 7:00 pm. Email us at for the Zoom link.



Contact us at or (248) 924-9860

Paid for by the Northville Democratic Club PAC, PO Box 221, Northville, MI  48167

Not Authorized by a Candidate or Candidate’s Committee

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