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Writer's pictureNorthville Democratic Club

Resolution to Remove Rep. Matt Maddock

January 28, 2021

WHEREAS, on January 6, 2021, domestic terrorists attacked our U.S. Capitol, endangering the lives of elected officials, staff, aides, and the Capitol police, killing a Capitol police officer and injuring scores of other officers, and;

WHEREAS, justice must be served for this officer, the many officers who were injured, and America, and;

WHEREAS, this attack on the people’s House, Congress, and our democratic institutions occurred because Donald John Trump and other fringe Republicans perpetuated lies and refused to accept the 2020 election of Joe Biden. The seditious mob had been emboldened and incited by Donald John Trump, and;

WHEREAS, this reprehensible sedition has far too many links to the great State of Michigan. Rep. Matt Maddock, HD 44, and his wife, Meshawn, have been complicit in many anti-government activities, in direct contravention of the rule of law. Maddock and his wife organized ‘Operation Gridlock’, where they protested Governor Whitmer’s actions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, and;

WHEREAS, Maddock spouts conspiracy theory nonsense about election processes in Michigan and the election of President Joe Biden ( However, Maddock lacks any courage of his convictions to refuse to be seated himself (having been elected in the same election he protests), and;

WHEREAS, Maddock and his wife organized busloads of insurrectionists to challenge the Electoral College results - Michigan's ‘Stop the Steal’ contingent – and worse yet appeared at a Tuesday night event wearing an official State of Michigan jacket as he was inciting the insurrection, and;

WHEREAS, this is either a nation of laws, or it is not. A man who spouts conspiracy theory nonsense, a man who engages in insurrection/gives aid to insurrectionists, and a man who embarrasses the State of Michigan, its House of Representatives, and Michigan's Republican Party is not worthy of being a Representative in Michigan's government, let alone named as a committee chair. Maddock should face consequences for his actions, for his role in undermining our democracy and encouraging the violent overthrow of our government, and;

WHEREAS, Maddock's actions must have consequences. Nothing in American politics is more important than the peaceful transition of power, and accordingly, nothing warrants a swift, bipartisan response more than any attempt to interfere with that peaceful transition of power, and;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of the Northville Democratic Club calls for the immediate removal of the unfit for office, unpatriotic, and un-American individual Rep Matt Maddock, HD 44.


Lisa DiRado, President; Roland Hwang, Vice President; Randa Cain, Treasurer; Dana Fortier,

Secretary; Christian Alvarado, Trustee; Jason Blankenship, Trustee; Herb Helzer, Trustee; Luci Klinkhamer, Trustee; Susan Nichols, Trustee; Jerry Oljace, Trustee

The Northville Democratic Club, P.O. Box 221, Northville, MI 48167



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