NDC Newsletter: April 19, 2020 Since Senator Bernie Sanders has suspended his campaign, Mr. Biden is now the presumptive Democratic nominee. This means the Democratic Party, and all of us, can now collectively focus our energy and efforts on coming together to achieve our #1 goal – get rid of Donald Trump.
There is, perhaps, no more important near-term decision in front of Mr. Biden than choosing his running mate. Who should that be? Aaron Blake of the Washington Post addressed that question in a recent article, and ranked his “11 most logical picks.” (Reprinted below)
As always, we’d like to know what you think. At our next virtual Membership Meeting on April 27th, you’ll have the opportunity to tell us. We’ll be taking a poll during our Zoom meeting to find out who our members and supporters would like to see as Mr. Biden’s VP-nominee, and we will have some time to hear from you!
Here is the information on the NDC Zoom Meeting: Monday, April 27, 2020; 7:00 pm
You must register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You will be emailed the link to join the Zoom meeting.
Thank you, and looking forward to seeing and hearing everyone on the 27th!
The 11 most logical picks for Joe Biden’s vice president, ranked
By Aaron Blake; April 8, 2020 at 1:51 p.m. EDT